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Certifications and Types of Therapy Models

The professional staff hold various certifications and depending on the client may practice different models:

The EAGALA Model

The Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association is a revolutionary mental health treatment model incorporating horses who are highly attuned and offer a safe space for clients to discover their answers within themselves. Using a collaborative approach, the EAGALA Model incorporates a licensed Mental Health Professional and a qualified Equine Specialist working together with horses and clients as equal partners in an experiential process that empowers life-changing outcomes. For more information, please read more at

Natural Lifemanship

Natural Lifemanship (NL) is a Trauma-focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (TF-EAP ™) method developed by Tim Jobe and Bettina Shultz-Jobe. The NL model is based on principles for building connected partnerships with horses in ways that carry over to human relationships. A key principle of NL is the belief that “an attuned, connected relationship with self and others is key to healthy development, mental health and well-being and that this is the vehicle for change when it comes to healing the psychological and relational wounds of trauma. Horse psychology and physiology are used to help human psychology and physiology.”

This method offers both groundwork and rhythmic riding, however, we will not be using the riding modality at this farm. Many of our rescued mustangs have not been ridden before or have physical limitations that do not allow them to be ridden. We strongly believe in the principles and science behind this method and may choose to use the round pen work with some clients. For more information, please read more at

O.K. Corral Series

The O.K. Corral Series educates, promotes, and supports professionals in the practice of authentic equine-assisted work. Authentic equine-assisted work honors and integrates natural horse and herd behavior as a model for human mental and emotional health using the equine-assisted philosophies developed by Greg Kersten, Founder of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. For more information, please read more at


Arenas for Change (ARCH) is a friendly, inclusive, supportive learning community, especially for therapists, transformational coaches, educators and equine professionals who are interested in applying story tools incorporating horses, other animals, and nature in their sessions, whether in an arena, an office, or online. For more information, please read more at

Certifications and Types of Therapy Models

“When I look into the eyes of an animal I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.”

– A.D. Williams

Certifications and Types of Therapy Models

Mending Hearts,
One Stride at a Time

Mending Strides Ranch is the premier equine-assisted psychotherapy establishment in the Charlotte Metro area, committed to creating a sanctuary for individuals facing the impacts of trauma, abuse, and emotional obstacles. Our approach involves guided experiences with equine-assisted therapies that are specifically tailored to enhance mental well-being, build confidence, and find more joy in life.

Certifications and Types of Therapy Models

6 Benefits of Equine-Assistance Therapy

Improved Confidence

Improved Confidence

Successfully navigating the tasks involved with Equine-Assisted Therapy helps instill a sense of resilience and achievement among participants, which boosts their confidence.
Better Communication Skills

Better Communication Skills

Working with horses encourages non-verbal communication, such as body language and subtle emotional cues, that improves communication skills with others.


Participants learn to build a bond with the horses based on trust and mutual respect, which carries over to other areas of their life.


Building a relationship with a horse requires trust, patience, and mutual respect. Through these interactions, individuals can develop skills for building and maintaining healthy connections with others in their life.


Through regular interactions with horses and the therapeutic process, individuals may gain insights into their strengths, values, and personal identity to help them grow as a person.


Interacting with horses in a therapeutic setting creates a safe and supportive environment where individuals can feel accepted and valued for who they are.
Certifications and Types of Therapy Models