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About Mending Strides

Mending Strides Ranch is the premier equine-assisted psychotherapy facility in the Charlotte Metro area that focuses exclusively on mental well-being.

The programs at Mending Strides empower clients to develop new skills to improve their mental wellness and self-confidence. For those recovering from the effects of trauma, our licensed therapists and equine specialist team guide clients to understand and view their past differently and learn to find more joy in life.

We have cultivated a serene space for people to get lost in nature. From strolling along meditation trails, practicing mindfulness and grounding, developing skills for living, and caring for the herd, the overall environment is designed to mend hearts, one stride at a time.

  • Meditation Trails: Get lost in nature along the walking trails to bring about a sense of peace through connecting with nature.
  • Mindfulness & Grounding: Bring your attention back to the present moment through focusing on your breathing, heartbeat, and the sounds and smells of nature.
  • Developing Life Skills: Being able to develop healthy relationships is essential for developing confidence. We aid this process by teaching individuals how to communicate effectively, relate to others, have empathy, and set boundaries.
  • Caring For the Herd: Connecting with the herd starts with spending time with them. Meeting their basic needs of grooming, feeding, and leading them helps to promote trust between the two.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”

– William Shakespeare


Mending Hearts,
One Stride at a Time

Mending Strides Ranch is the premier equine-assisted psychotherapy establishment in the Charlotte Metro area, committed to creating a sanctuary for individuals facing the impacts of trauma, abuse, and emotional obstacles. Our approach involves guided experiences with equine-assisted therapies that are specifically tailored to enhance mental well-being, build confidence, and find more joy in life.


6 Benefits of Equine-Assistance Therapy

Improved Confidence

Improved Confidence

Successfully navigating the tasks involved with Equine-Assisted Therapy helps instill a sense of resilience and achievement among participants, which boosts their confidence.
Better Communication Skills

Better Communication Skills

Working with horses encourages non-verbal communication, such as body language and subtle emotional cues, that improves communication skills with others.


Participants learn to build a bond with the horses based on trust and mutual respect, which carries over to other areas of their life.


Building a relationship with a horse requires trust, patience, and mutual respect. Through these interactions, individuals can develop skills for building and maintaining healthy connections with others in their life.


Through regular interactions with horses and the therapeutic process, individuals may gain insights into their strengths, values, and personal identity to help them grow as a person.


Interacting with horses in a therapeutic setting creates a safe and supportive environment where individuals can feel accepted and valued for who they are.