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About Equine-Assisted Therapy

Equine-Assisted Therapy, is a form of experiential therapy that involves interactions between horses and clients.

Horses are particularly sensitive animals, which makes them well-suited for therapeutic purposes. In equine therapy sessions, individuals work with horses under the guidance of a trained therapist or counselor to address various emotional, behavioral, and mental health issues. Equine therapy for mental health does not take place on the back of a horse. It is accomplished by directly interacting with them on the ground. Horses perceive and mirror our feelings back to us and respond as we interact with them.

Equine therapy has been found to be effective in treating a range of conditions, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, addiction, and eating disorders. The presence of horses can create a calming and non-judgmental environment, which can help individuals feel more comfortable opening up and exploring their emotions. Working with horses can teach valuable life skills such as empathy, communication, patience, assertiveness, and problem-solving. Many people find that the bond formed with a horse during therapy can be incredibly therapeutic and empowering.

The activities involved in equine therapy can vary widely depending on the goals of the therapy. They may include grooming, feeding, leading, as well as various ground-based exercises designed to foster communication, trust, and emotional awareness. The therapy activities are tailored to address each participant’s unique needs in a holistic manner that empowers them to live life to their fullest potential.

Who Can Benefit From Equine-Assisted Therapy?

The people we frequently help at Mending Strides Ranch are youth and adults suffering from anxiety or depression; Veterans suffering from PTSD; healthcare workers and first responders with high stress jobs; and adults suffering from grief or low self-esteem who want to improve their confidence. Research has confirmed the effectiveness of Equine Therapy for lowering blood pressure and heart rate, alleviating stress, and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

About Equine-Assisted Therapy

Mending Hearts,
One Stride at a Time

Mending Strides Ranch is the premier equine-assisted psychotherapy establishment in the Charlotte Metro area, committed to creating a sanctuary for individuals facing the impacts of trauma, abuse, and emotional obstacles. Our approach involves guided experiences with equine-assisted therapies that are specifically tailored to enhance mental well-being, build confidence, and find more joy in life.

About Equine-Assisted Therapy

6 Benefits of Equine-Assistance Therapy

Improved Confidence

Improved Confidence

Successfully navigating the tasks involved with Equine-Assisted Therapy helps instill a sense of resilience and achievement among participants, which boosts their confidence.
Better Communication Skills

Better Communication Skills

Working with horses encourages non-verbal communication, such as body language and subtle emotional cues, that improves communication skills with others.


Participants learn to build a bond with the horses based on trust and mutual respect, which carries over to other areas of their life.


Building a relationship with a horse requires trust, patience, and mutual respect. Through these interactions, individuals can develop skills for building and maintaining healthy connections with others in their life.


Through regular interactions with horses and the therapeutic process, individuals may gain insights into their strengths, values, and personal identity to help them grow as a person.


Interacting with horses in a therapeutic setting creates a safe and supportive environment where individuals can feel accepted and valued for who they are.
About Equine-Assisted Therapy